Amirhossein Safarzadeh

Backend Developer!


I'm Amirhossein, a backend developer currently working with Django Python, but with experience on php too. I enjoy zeros and ones more than a job, so i've worked with various languages, frameworks and fields, like AI, Bug Bounty and web app security, Java app development, Telegram&Discord Bot development, dozens of scraping and automation projects(Should i name them here?.....One of them has like 180 million records, thats enough i guess xD), tried graphics and video editing for a while and also tried a bit of the web3 world and crypto. Ok ok dont get lost, in summary I'm a backend developer ;)

Work Experience

2022 - 2023

Backend Software Developer | Advicolink to Backend Software Developer | Advico

AI Chatbot Startup powered by DigikalaNext, on creating a visual platform for users to create their own chatbot flows by numerous options and functionalities

Django • Python(AI Core) • PHP(Backend) • AI • Chatbots

2018 - 2022

Backend Software Developer – Freelance

Freelancing on Back-End projects, such as websites, bots and automations

Python • PHP • Automation • Bot Development • AI

2017 - 2018

Junior Backend Developer – Codoffee

My first home, small and cozy!

Python • Text to speech • Speech to text • Face Recognition

What am i currently working on?


*My finished closed-source projects are available on the Linkedin pagelink to Linkedin asafarzadeh

Offline Nostalgia HarfinoBotlink to HarfinoBot

Telegram anonymous messaging bot, with over 700k users until now! (ongoing since 2021)

Telegram Api • PHP • Bot Development




